Tummy Sculpting
Tummy Sculpting
This treatment is a procedure that’s used to break apart fat deposits in your body. The treatment is less invasive alternative to liposuction. After first treatment, waistline is improved, skin is tightened and lifted. It also relieves constipation and accelerates the circulation of the abdomen to help promote digestion, and the skins collagen regeneration. After third treatment, skin wrinkles and stretch marks slowly fade and the perfect waistline and “S” curve start to show.
30 min session
3 session recommended
Notes after Operation:
- Avoid crop tops or anything exposing waist and abdomen to cold and/or windy environments for 72 hours.
- AVOID binge eating and drinking. Drink plenty of room temperature, (preferably spring/alkaline water)
- AVOID steam sauna, hot spring or strenuous exercise within seven days after treatment.
- Before going to bed at night, you can rub your abdomen clockwise with your hands, you will better the effect of weight loss and metabolism.
Membership Pricing with credit - $0
Membership Pricing without credit - $71.25
Booking Appointments:
After purchasing the service you can book an appointment by calling/texting (281) 241-9150 or by clicking the Book Now tab on our website
Cancellation Policy
Please provide at least 24 hours notice if you need to reschedule a treatment. This allows the spa enough time to fill appointments. Late cancellations will be charged 50% of treatments scheduled. No call, no show same day is 100% charge. 10 minute grace period.